Go Red for Women

Circle of Red

Circle of Red

Circle of Red is a society of women who have the passion, the motivation and inspiration to drive and influence change in the community regarding heart health of women in their community and across the country. Circle of Red Women help support the mission of Go Red For Women® by making a personal financial commitment to the movement. Learn more at the event or Join Today!

Join Us

Make it your mission to become a part of the Circle of Red. Your support, influence and gift will make a tremendous impact in the lives of so many women. Please contact Maria Betts at maria.betts@heart.org or 414-227-1412 for more information on how you can join the Circle of Red.

2019 Circle of Red Members

Katie Poehling, Circle of Red Chair  

Betty Arndt

Dr. Ivor Benjamin

Katie Connolly

Lori Craig

Linda Crawford

Kim Dandrea

Mary Dowell 

Kristin Dufek

April Dunn

Dr. Julie Freed

Kim Hastings

Jackie Herd-Barber

Jasmine Johnson

Carol Kuhlmann

Marlene Lauwasser

Dr. Nicole Lohr

Matthew & Alexis McLaughlin

Jerry Murphy

Gina Peter

Mary Jane Reichart

Jim & Marie Seder

Marilyn Shovers

Debbie Wimmer


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